Closer to the Ledge

Sitting in this empty room with a dark blue light above me? psychedelic !! ... 
I feel lost & lightheaded probably cuz I got up a few mins ago. So I'm on Facebook right now, and I'm seeing lots of people saying "last day of college". I'm seeing loads of farewell pictures. I was there last in the same situation not too long ago, maybe around 8 months back, and then life happened - got a job. 

Why am I so drowsy today, I feel drunk, even though I didn't drink. Maybe it's time I celebrate with some scotch? Oh, maybe vodka? The walls are holding me back, it's like a stare-down, but I can't help it. It's bringing me back to reality, not letting me escape into the wild. 

If I had an option to go back and forth to Mars using time travel that would be perfecto suplexo. But I cannot. Sniff. I need to find a place where there are other silly humans like me, who I can dine & be fine with & then make merry.

I'm listening to music right now. I'm supposed to be out right now since it's Saturday evening. Strangely I feel like being myself. Strange? But ill go wild tomorrow, I guess

Why does this weekend feel so short. 

Maybe if I lean out of my balcony, you know, just a bit, closer to the ledge, waiting to see what happens next? 


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