Without A Doubt

Without A Doubt .....

1. without a doubt , ill meet my friends this week
2 ill sms them everyday or keep in touch more often
3 ill play my xbox twice a week
4 ill watch my favorite tv serials this week.
5 ill reduce my fat tummy and strt working out
6 ill buy a new pair of headphones for my puter
7 ill clean my room
8 ill be less lazier, work more harder ... <-- LOL
9 ill get a girlfriend
10 ----------- more , so much more

Dayumm, would you look at that. Without a doubt i promise myself day in and out to do all these things , But i never find time in my life . Somehow if i'm lucky and if god thinks i deserve it , i get a Sunday off like today . But im so freaggin tired & i don't want to get up . No do i  want to meet anyone . Why ? ... probably cuz i just want to sit , think , sit and think some more and just laze around watching tv or dreaming

life is right now full of shit
i don't have time to sit and be still,
but if i do get more time on my hands
should i go and get my own band,
even if i could somehow start my own band
ill probably mess  up,
cuz im too lazy to do anything with my hands
all i want to do is eat and eat  & sleep,
and make sure i dont have to get up tomo to hear my alarm go BEEP BEEP BeEEP

Boy oh boy , how should i get my life in order . College use to be so much fun , don't attend , eat , play , dance. Work is so much of responsibility . I love responsibility, but i feel like i should do more with my life . I guess i got to stand up and take control .There are only 24 hours , i need to try and separate work from work , Because if i continue going this path i might just end up being a social recluse LOL .

~ i need to stop being tardy or ill end up in a jeopardy so lets hope i can freaggin party ~


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